
Eat Your Way To Health Ebook

Ageless Beauty Ebook

Eat Your Way To Health Table of Contents And Book Excerpts


Jin Shin Jyutsu ®
Natural Self Healing

How Eileen Poole And The Wisdom Of Dr. Henry Bieler Changed My Life

The Wisdom Of Dr. Henry Bieler

My Favorite Recipes From Eileen Poole

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The New e-book, "Ageless Beauty
From the Inside Out"
...a simple 10 step guide to natural facial rejuvenation.

Kaaren's Books:

Eat Your Way To Health Ebook.

Eat Your Way To Health Paperback.

Now Available In Kindle

Ageless Beauty From The Inside Out Ebook.

Ageless Beauty From The Inside Out Paperback.

Now Available In Kindle

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Kaaren Jordan Saddle Fitting Consultant

Eileen Poole once said, "When you learn to choose the foods that are best for you, you honor yourself, not just physically, but on all levels."

"Eat Your Way To Health."

E-Book Table of Contents:

Chapter 1

- Food, Health & Disease
- A toxic body is a root cause of many common ailments
- What causes a toxic body?
- The cure for a toxic body
- Why are supplements not working?
- Too many vitamins and supplements can cause problems
- How does stress help create a toxic body?
- The wise use of drugs
- Proper foods help no matter what else you do

Chapter 2

- Diet/Low Fat Products Can Cause Problems

Chapter 3

- Food Sensitivities

Chapter 4

- What to Eat & What Not to Eat

Chapter 5

- Other Toxins To Avoid

Chapter 6

- Psychological & Emotional Factors
- Nutrition Guide

Chapter 7

- Exercise & Other Self Healing Techniques

Chapter 8

- The Daily Body Feedback Journal

Chapter 9

- Simply Delicious Recipes

Chapter 10

- Sample Menus

Chapter 11

- Specific Remedies For Various Conditions