
Eat Your Way To Health Ebook

Ageless Beauty Ebook

Eat Your Way To Health Table of Contents And Book Excerpts


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Natural Self Healing

How Eileen Poole And The Wisdom Of Dr. Henry Bieler Changed My Life

The Wisdom Of Dr. Henry Bieler

My Favorite Recipes From Eileen Poole

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Eat Your Way To Health Ebook.

Eat Your Way To Health Paperback.

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Ageless Beauty From The Inside Out Ebook.

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Eileen Poole once said, "When you learn to choose the foods that are best for you, you honor yourself, not just physically, but on all levels."

"Eat Your Way To Health."

Ageless Beauty From The Inside Out Paperback.

Now Available In Kindle

Kaaren's Blog

Kaaren Jordan Saddle Fitting Consultant

Eileen Poole once said, "When you learn to choose the foods that are best for you, you honor yourself, not just physically, but on all levels."

"Eat Your Way To Health."

Colds and The Flu:

"If you feed a cold you will have to starve a fever"

- Hippocrates, The Father of Modern Medicine


The above quotation is probably one of the most misquoted and misunderstood sayings of all time. Usually quoted as "starve a cold, feed a fever," or "feed a cold, starve fever," either way the wisdom of the saying is missed. The point that Hippocrates tries to convey is this: at the onset of a cold, fasting is necessary in order to promote the body's detoxification process; otherwise the condition will worsen and one will eventually be forced to fast due to the severity of the symptoms.

What Exactly is a Common Cold?

Dr. Henry Bieler, author of Food Is Your Best Medicine, found that the primary cause of colds or the flu is a build up of toxins in the body. This build up or "toxemia" in turn depresses the immune system and in turn makes a person very vulnerable to viruses. Seen in this light the common cold is then primarily the result of a pre-existing toxic condition and the offending virus, which usually receives all of the blame, is simply the final catalytic factor. Put another way, the toxemia makes the bomb and the virus is the lighted fuse that sets it off.

Essentially a cold is nothing more than a catarrhal inflammation. The mucous membrane, which can be seen as the "inner skin" of the respiratory system, becomes inflamed and exudes fluid in an attempt to rid the body of excess toxins. The greater the amount of toxicity in the body, the more severe the cold symptoms become. Light colds involve only the outer layers of the mucous membrane whereas more serious colds the involve deeper layers and the mucous glands themselves. In most cases the primary toxin being exuded is sodium chloride or common table salt. It is very easy for the average person to confirm this as the nasal fluid coming from a runny nose always tastes salty. This salt coming out with the fluid is what irritates the nasal passageways and turns them itchy and red. Sodium chloride in general is very toxic and your body will take any opportunity it can (colds, sweat) to get rid of it.

The Cold and Flu Season

Why do people tend to get sick during the colder months and the holiday season? One factor is the increased intake of toxins such as salt and sugar. Another factor is that people tend to perspire less during this time, which effectively reduces the body's ability to rid itself of toxins through the skin. And finally a third factor is that people do not eat as many vegetables or fruits and thus deprive their systems of many substances that are vital for good health and immunity.

A Cure for the Common Cold?

The best way to deal with a cold or the flu is of course not to get it in the first place. Besides taking the common sense precautions of getting proper rest and reducing stress, detoxifying your system by eating the proper foods will promote your immune system to function as it should. In addition by treating yourself well and following healthy diet guidelines you can successfully deal with the cold and flu season and avoid downtime and suffering. The experience of most people who avoid the intake of toxins and eat well is that they do not get sick very often, and if they do their symptoms are very mild to almost nonexistent. This is because their bodies simply do not have any toxins that need to be eliminated vicariously through their mucous membrane or other systems.

If an illness is encountered however, there are definite steps that can be taken to greatly shorten the length and the severity of the symptoms. The key in this instance is to aid and support your body's ability to detoxify. This is best done through physical rest and fasting. Fasting in essence is a "chemical rest" for your internal organs. By simplifying your intake of food you greatly facilitate your body's primary detoxification organs, the liver and kidneys, and thus speed up the process. The specifics of a number of good ways to do this are laid out in my E-Book, "Eat Your Way To Health, the Natural Immune System Diet."