
Eat Your Way To Health Ebook

Ageless Beauty Ebook

Eat Your Way To Health Table of Contents And Book Excerpts


Jin Shin Jyutsu ®
Natural Self Healing

How Eileen Poole And The Wisdom Of Dr. Henry Bieler Changed My Life

The Wisdom Of Dr. Henry Bieler

My Favorite Recipes From Eileen Poole

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Eat Your Way To Health Ebook.

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Eat Your Way To Health Paperback.

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Ageless Beauty From The Inside Out Ebook.

Ageless Beauty From The Inside Out Paperback.

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Kaaren Jordan Saddle Fitting Consultant

Eileen Poole once said, "When you learn to choose the foods that are best for you, you honor yourself, not just physically, but on all levels."

"Eat Your Way To Health."

A Note From The Author:

Many people ask "What constitutes a healthy diet?" My reply is that each person as an individual needs to develop an understanding of what are appropriate food choices for their system. This means not only to understand overall balance, but also how to re-establish balance when things change, say when they are under stress or after times of celebration or emotional eating. A healthy diet therefore is not a static 'one diet fits all' concept but instead is more a flexible understanding of how to change your choices as your life changes.

Maintaining a health supportive diet requires knowledge of your body's unique needs and how to balance those needs while enjoying living your life to the fullest. Rigid unrealistic diets or strict concepts of 'good or bad' foods set us up to fail. They are not helpful in the long run as your needs will change according to the season, stress levels, travel, social activities, exercise demands, etc.. The food you eat also not only needs to fulfill your nutritional requirements but also should consist of readily available choices that are enjoyable and satisfying.

Unfortunately people with their busy schedules do not always seem to be able to successfully integrate a health supportive diet ongoing without some guidance. This is where a personalized consultation can be of help in addition to incorporating the basic guidelines outlined in the Ebook. With a consultation you can quickly learn what your unique needs are and how to balance them seasonally, when you eat more widely, when you eat emotionally and are under stress, when you travel or if you happen to get ill.

So to answer the questions of 'How do you maintain a healthy diet' and 'What does a healthy diet consist of,' I would say that each person has to gain awareness and understanding of their unique needs in order to completely answer them. The "Eat Your Way To Health" E-book is a great way to start as it will provide guidelines that most will find very effective. And if you choose to have a consultation as well you then can very quickly put into practice the unique personal guidelines that will see you through the rest of your life.

It's Simple, it's Easy and it Feels Good!

One last thing...spending most of your time in the produce section will effortlessly create great results. The natural foods found in the produce section are varied, interesting, flavorful and inexpensive. They are also nature's balancing agents, and as such they will provide you with a calm energized well being that gives you the ability to not feel stressed and will ward off illness.

My E-Book, "Eat Your Way To Health" has over 35 pages of recipes that will help you easily and quickly prepare these health giving foods into dishes, goodies, snacks and treats. With this information you can eat well, feel satisfied and improve your health all at the same time!

Buy the book here.